Bare Pantry Pasta

Fun fact about me…I fucking HATE grocery shopping. I hate it 3x more than I hate folding laundry and 6x more than I hate cheap coffee, which says A LOT. It’s tedious and my list is always dramatically long because I love theatrics and I wait til we are starving from malnutrition to go shopping. I see your side eye. Don’t judge me ok?! No one’s dead yet! Plus, walking down the aisles obsessively trying to find things literally makes me feel like my head is spinning and my chest is tight. And of course, even though I make unnecessarily detailed grocery lists, I always manage to forget 17 very important things. Which then makes me wanna lie down in traffic because forgetting shit means I have to go BACK to the damn store. Since Rona hit, I have been making my grocery trips even more few and far in between. Due to my own negligent grocery shopping actions (or lack thereof), I’ve been challenged lately with the task of creating dinner magic out of nothing. Below is a quick video of a 20 minute pasta dish I make when my pantry is bare as fuck and I have minimal ingredients. The full ingredients are listed in the YouTube captions :) I made this meal vegetarian but it is easily adaptable to be vegan, or you can add you preferred meat/seafood to it. There’s really no rules when it comes to cooking, especially when you ain’t got shit to cook in the first place. Also, bare with me. It was my first time recording a cooking video and it was stressful as fuck.

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********** Ta Ta For Now, Boos! 💋Sonjachardé💋


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